Publications and Presentations

Marine Studies - Hazardous Waste Site Remediation

Pascoe, G.A., K. Kroeger, R.J. Feldpausch, and D. Leisle. 2010. Munition constituents: Preliminary sediment screening criteria for the protection of marine benthic invertebrates. Chemosphere 81: 807-816.

Gardiner, W., G. Pascoe, L. Muench, B. Gregg, and D. Shreffler. 2006. An evaluation of the potential risks associated with creosoted pilings and their removal. Abstract and presentation. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD.

Pascoe, G.A., P. McLaren, and M. Soldate. 2002. Impact of offsite sediment transport and toxicity on remediation of a contaminated estuarine bay. Marine Pollution Bulletin 44:1184-1193.

Pascoe, G.A., M.J. Riley, T.A. Floyd, and C.L. Gould 1998. Use of a risk-based hydrogeologic model to set remedial goals for PCBs, PAHs, and TPH in soils during redevelopment of an industrial site. Environmental Science and Technology 32:813-820.

Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study for marine Operable Unit 2, Jackson Park Housing Complex/Naval Hospital. 1998. Prepared for Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Poulsbo, WA. EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Bellevue, WA.

Technical Memorandum, Sedimentology, Sediment Transport, and Site Characterization, Operable Unit 2, Jackson Park Housing Complex/Naval Hospital. 1997. Prepared for Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Poulsbo, WA. EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Bellevue, WA.

Human Health Risk Assessment/Toxicology

Human Health Risk Evaluations. Sediments and Shellfish of Former Log Yard, Sequim Bay, Washington. 2005. Prepared for MEC-Weston Solutions, Inc., Port Gamble, WA.

Pascoe, G., and Sun, B. 2004. Site-specific risk assessments: Current status and modeling issues for mercury. Proceedings of the Air & Waste Management Association, Specialty Conference on Hazardous Waste Combustion. San Antonio, TX.

Pascoe, G. 2003. Dioxin Emissions and Risks. Presented to the Holly Hill Advisory Committee, Holly Hill, SC.

Pascoe Environmental. 2002. Screening-Level Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessments for the Youngs Bay Pacificorp Property. Prepared for Striplin Environmental Associates, Olympia, WA.

Pascoe, G.A., and R. Connelly. 2002. Site-specific bioaccumulation factors for mercury: Impact on health risks from fish consumption. Air & Waste Management Association, Specialty Conference on Hazardous Waste Combustion, St. Louis, MO.

Results of Fish Sampling and Assessment of Risks from Consuming Fish from North Salt Lagoon, Barrow, AK. 2001. Prepared for the US Navy, Poulsbo, WA. EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Bellevue, WA.

Pascoe, G.A., R.J. Blanchet, and S. Minter. 1995. Baseline results of a biomonitoring program for mercury near a cement plant planning to burn hazardous waste. 95-TA30A.06. In: Proceedings of the 88th Annual Meeting of the Air and Waste Management Association, San Antonio, TX.

Cohen, Y., G.E. Anderson, L.R. Chinkin, G.A. Pascoe, C.E. Schmidt, and A. Winer. 1994. Valdez air health study, letter to the editor. Risk Analysis 14:887-889.

Blanchet, R.J. and G.A. Pascoe. 1993. Health risk assessment and VOC pathway analysis. In: Assessment and Control of VOC Emissions from Waste Treatment and Disposal Facilities. T.T. Shen, C.E. Schmidt, and T.R. Card, eds.

Baseline human health risk assessment. Milltown Reservoir operable unit, Milltown Reservoir Sediments Site. 1993. Prepared for U.S. EPA, RegionÝ8, Helena, MT. Environmental Toxicology International, Inc., Seattle, WA.

Vedagiri, U., and G. Pascoe. 1996. Issues in assessing human health and ecological risks from arsenic. Abstract. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.

Tsuji, J.S. and G.A. Pascoe. 1992. The toxicological basis of absorption factors. Abstract. Toxicologist 12(1):186.

Pleus, R.C. and G.A. Pascoe. 1993. Assessing health risks from inhalation and oral exposure to chloroform in water. Abstract. Experimental Biology 93.

Pascoe, G.A. 1993. Arsenic cancer potency: The issue of threshold carcinogenicity. Presented to the Risk Assessment Network, Environmental Resources Management Group, Boston, MA.

Sherman, J.H., and G.A. Pascoe. 1994. Results of a site-specific survey of potential arsenic exposures from recreational activities for a small community in the western U.S. Abstract. Toxicologist 14(1):155.

Health risk assessment of chemical contamination in Puget Sound seafood. 1988. Prepared for U.S. EPA, Region 10, OPS/PSEP, Seattle, WA. Tetra Tech, Inc.

Exposure survey results. Milltown Reservoir Sediments Site public health evaluation. 1992. Prepared for U.S. EPA, Region 8, Helena, MT. Environmental Toxicology International, Inc., Seattle, WA.

Review of the Valdez Air Health Study. 1992. Prepared for the Prince William Sound Regional Citizensí Advisory Council, Valdez, AK. Prepared by Cohen, Y., G.E. Anderson, L.R. Chinkin, G.A. Pascoe, C.E. Schmidt, and A. Winer.

Human health and ecological risk assessment of sediment releases (continued releases). Milltown Reservoir operable unit, Milltown Reservoir Sediments Site. 1994. Prepared for U.S. EPA, RegionÝ8, Helena, MT. Environmental Toxicology International, Inc., Seattle, WA.

Pascoe, G. 1994. Review of human health impacts from asphalt hot mix plants. Prepared for Laurel Community Preservation Association, Whatcom County, WA.

Ecological Risk Assessment

Pascoe, G.A., J. Zodrow, and E. Greutert. 2014. Evaluating risks to terrestrial wildlife from environmental fluoride. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 20:941-961.

Human Health Risk Evaluation and Screening Ecological Risk Assessment, Ruth Mine Site, Opal Creek Scenic and Recreation Area, Willamette National Forest, Oregon. 2006. Prepared for GeoDesign, Inc., Portland, OR.

Woodward, D., G. Linder, and G.A. Pascoe. 2001. Baseline ecological risk assessment for aquatic, wetland, and terrestrial habitats along the Clark Fork River, Montana. In: Handbook of Ecotoxicology, Second Edition. Hoffman, Rattner, et al., eds. CRC Press, Boca Raton. FL.

Pascoe, GA and G. Linder. 2000. Metals bioavailability as a determining factor in Natural Remediation at Milltown Reservoir Wetlands in Western Montana. In: Natural Remediation of Environmental Contaminants: Its Role in Ecological Risk Assessment and Risk Management. (Recipient of the STC Merit Award). M. Swindoll, R.G. Stahl, and S. Ells, eds. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Pensacola, FL. Pp 409-428.

Linder G., G.A. Pascoe, and J. Dalsoglio. 1999. Case Study: An ecological risk assessment for the wetlands at Milltown Reservoir, Missoula, Montana. In: Ecotoxicology and Risk Assessment for Wetlands. (Recipient of the STC Excellence Award). Lewis, M.A., F.L. Mayer, R.L. Powell, M.K. Nelson, S.J. Klaine, M.G. Henry, and G.W. Dickson, eds. SETAC Pellston Workshop, 1995, Fairmont Hot Springs, Anaconda, MT. SETAC Press, Pensacola Florida.

Kelsch, T., R.L. Powell, K.R. Dixon, A. Fairbrother, J.C. Helgen, S.J. Klaine, F.L. Mayer, G.A. Pascoe, J.L. Shaw, and R.F Theriot. 1999. Regulatory issues and risk assessment. In: Ecotoxicology and Risk Assessment for Wetlands. (Recipient of the STC Excellence Award). Lewis, M.A., F.L. Mayer, R.L. Powell, M.K. Nelson, S.J. Klaine, M.G. Henry, and G.W. Dickson, eds. SETAC Pellston Workshop, 1995, Fairmont Hot Springs, Anaconda, MT. SETAC Press, Pensacola Florida.

Pascoe, G.A., R. Blanchet, and G. Linder. 1996. Food chain analysis of exposure and risks to wildlife at a metals-contaminated wetland. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 30:306-318.

Zhang, S., B. Sun, R.S. Kaetzel, and G.A. Pascoe. 1995. Sensitivity and uncertainty for food chain pathways in screening level multipathway risk assessment. In: Proceedings of the 1995 International Incineration Conference, Bellevue, WA. Pp. 673-677. University of California, Irvine.

Pascoe, G.A., and J.A. DalSoglio. 1994. Planning and implementation of a comprehensive ecological risk assessment at the Milltown Reservoir-Clark Fork River Sediments Superfund Site, MT. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 13:1943-1956 (Annual Review).

Linder, G., R. Hazelwood, D. Palawski, M. Bollman, D. Wilborn, J. Malloy, K. DuBois, S. Ott, G.A. Pascoe, and J.A. DalSoglio. 1994. Ecological assessment for the wetlands at Milltown Reservoir, Missoula, Montana: Characterization of emergent and upland habitats. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 13:1957-1970 (Annual Review).

Pascoe, G.A., R.J. Blanchet, G. Linder, W. Brumbaugh, N. Kemble, T. Canfield, C. Ingersoll, and A. Farag. 1994. Characterization of ecological risks at the Milltown Reservoir-Clark Fork River Sediments Superfund Site, MT. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 13:2043-2058 (Annual Review).

Burns, L.A., C.G. Ingersoll, and G.A. Pascoe. 1994. Ecological risk assessment: Application of new approaches and uncertainty analysis. Editorial. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 13:1873-1874.

Pascoe, G.A. 1994. Role of an ecological risk assessment in reducing uncertainties and remedial costs at a hazardous waste site. In: Proceedings of the Cost Efficient Acquisition and Utilization of Data in the Management of Hazardous Waste Sites. Air and Waste Management Association/Waste Policy Institute, Washington, D.C., pp. 242-251.

Pascoe, G.A. 1994. Role of an ecological risk assessment in reducing uncertainty in remedial decisions at mining waste sites. In: Proceedings of First International Conference on Tailings and Mine Waste ë94. Fort Collins, CO. Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 147-155.

Pascoe, G.A., R.J. Blanchet, and G. Linder. 1994. Bioavailability of metals to small mammals at a mining waste-contaminated wetland. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 27:44-50.

Pascoe, G.A., and R.J. Blanchet. 1993. Ecological risk assessment of a metals-contaminated wetland: Reducing uncertainty. Science of the Total Environment, Supplement:1715-1728.

Pascoe, G.A. 1993. Wetlands risk assessment. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 12:2293-2307 (Annual Review).

Linder, G., C. Callahan, and G. Pascoe. 1992. A strategy for ecological risk assessments for Superfund: Biological methods for evaluating soil contamination. In: Superfund Risk Assessment in Soil Contamination Studies. ASTM STP 1158. Eds. K.B. Hoddinott and G.D. Knowles. American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA.

Technical Reports

Remedial Action Objectives, Lockheed West Seattle Superfund Site. 2010. Prepared with Tetra Tech Inc. for Lockheed Martin Corporation. June.

Ecological Risk Assessment, Tier 2 Step 7, Risk Characterization. Supplemental RI at Operable Unit 2, Jackson Park Housing Complex/Naval Hospital Bremerton. 2010. Prepared with Tetra Tech Inc. for US Navy, Poulsbo, WA. May.

Ecological Risk Assessment, Tier 2 Step 6, Data Reports, Sediments and Tissue. Supplemental RI at Operable Unit 2, Jackson Park Housing Complex/Naval Hospital Bremerton. 2010. Prepared with Tetra Tech Inc. for US Navy, Poulsbo, WA. April.

Human Health Risk Evaluation and Screening Ecological Risk Assessment, Ruth Mine Site, Opal Creek Scenic and Recreation Area, Willamette National Forest, Oregon. 2009. Prepared for GeoDesign, Inc., Portland, OR.

Human Health Risk Assessment, Townsend Farms Business Park Site, Fairview, Oregon. 2009. Prepared for GeoDesign, Inc., Portland, OR.

Screening Level I and II Ecological Risk Assessments, Townsend Farms Business Park Site, Fairview, Oregon. 2009. Prepared for GeoDesign, Inc., Portland, OR.

Human Health Risk Assessment, Lockheed West Seattle Superfund Site. 2009. Prepared for Tetra Tech, Inc., Seattle, WA, and Lockheed Martin Corporation. June.

Ecological Risk Assessment, Lockheed West Seattle Superfund Site. 2009. Prepared for Tetra Tech, Inc., Seattle, WA, and Lockheed Martin Corporation. June.

Sampling and Analysis Plan (Quality Assurance Project Plan and Field Sampling Plan). Supplemental RI at Operable Unit 2, Jackson Park Housing Complex/Naval Hospital Bremerton. 2008. Prepared with Tetra Tech Inc. for US Navy, Poulsbo, WA. June.

Ecological Risk Assessment, Tier 2 Steps 3b & 4, Problem Formulation, Study Design (DQOs), and Work Plan. Supplemental RI at Operable Unit 2, Jackson Park Housing Complex/Naval Hospital Bremerton. 2008. Prepared with Tetra Tech Inc. for US Navy, Poulsbo, WA. June.

Ecological Risk Assessment, Tier 2 Screening Refinement and Preliminary Data Gaps. Supplemental RI at Operable Unit 2, Jackson Park Housing Complex/Naval Hospital Bremerton. 2007. Prepared with Tetra Tech Inc. for US Navy, Poulsbo, WA. December.

Ecological Risk Assessment, Tier I Screening. Supplemental RI at Operable Unit 2, Jackson Park Housing Complex/Naval Hospital Bremerton. 2007. Prepared with Tetra Tech Inc. for US Navy, Poulsbo, WA. June.

Human Health Risk Evaluation. Sediments and Shellfish of Former Log Yard, Sequim Bay, Washington. 2005. Prepared for MEC-Weston Solutions, Inc., Port Gamble, WA.

Multipathway Risk Assessment for the Holcim (US) Inc. Cement Plant at Artesia, MS. 2003. Prepared for Holcim (US) Inc., Artesia, MS.

Management Plans for the Dry Cleaning Facility and Bulk Fuel Tank Farm Sites, Barrow, AK. 2001. Prepared for the US Navy, Poulsbo, WA. EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Bellevue, WA.

Protocol and Multipathway Risk Assessment Reports, for the Holnam Inc. Cement Plants at Holly Hill, SC and Artesia, MS. 2000. Prepared for Holnam Inc. EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Bellevue, WA.

Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment at the Naval Arctic Research Laboratory, Barrow, Alaska. 1999. Prepared for Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Poulsbo, WA. EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Bellevue, WA.

Review and evaluation of Ostrich Bay sediment data of the Jackson Park Housing Complex marine RI/FS study. 1995. Prepared for Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Poulsbo, WA. EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Bellevue, WA.

Matrix approach for managing stored contaminated sediments. Prepared for the Port of Oakland, CA. 1995. ERM-Environmental Toxicology International, Inc., Seattle, WA.

Risk evaluation for the Southwest Harbor Project. 1994. Prepared for the Port of Seattle, WA. Environmental Toxicology International, Inc., Seattle, WA.

Baseline ecological risk assessment. Milltown Reservoir operable unit, Milltown Reservoir Sediments Site. 1993. Prepared for U.S. EPA, RegionÝ8, Helena, MT. Environmental Toxicology International, Inc., Seattle, WA.

Ecological risk assessment workplan for the Milltown Reservoir Sediments Site. 1991. Prepared for U.S. EPA Region 8, Helena, MT. Environmental Toxicology International, Inc., Seattle, WA.

Conference Presentations

Pascoe, G.A., K. Kroeger, and D. Leisle. 2011. Sediment Quality Benchmarks for Munition Constituents. Development and Application at the Jackson Park Housing Complex Site. Presented at Battelle Sediment Remediation, New Orleans.

Pascoe, G.A., K. Kroeger, R.J. Feldpausch, and D. Leisle. 2010. Preliminary sediment quality benchmarks for munition constituents. Presented at SERDP-ESTCP Conference, Washington, DC. December.

Pascoe, G.A., K. Kroeger, R.J. Feldpausch, and D. Leisle. 2009. Munition constituents: Preliminary sediment screening criteria for marine benthic invertebrates. Presented at SERDP-ESTCP Conference, Washington, DC. December.

Pascoe, G., G. Hayman, and L. Williams. 1997. Risk-based monitoring of chemical contaminants in an intertidal seep zone. Abstract and presentation. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 18th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Vedagiri, U., R. Brewer, G. Pascoe, L. Williams, and R. Hummell. 1997. Development of an ecological risk-based cleanup approach for TPH-contaminated sites in the arctic. Abstract and presentation. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 18th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Vedagiri, U., R. Brewer, M. Horrigan, and G. Pascoe. 1997. A review of available and proposed approaches to ecological risk assessment of TPH chemicals. Abstract and presentation. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 18th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Linder, G., and G. Pascoe. 1997. Natural remediation of metals in wetlands: An unintended demonstration at Milltown Reservoir Wetlands, Montana. Abstract. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 18th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Erdal, S, R.A. Hummell, G. A. Pascoe, L.G. Williams, and S.H. Youngren. 1996. An integrated approach for ecological and human health risk assessment for petroleum-contaminated sites. Abstract. Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD.

Pascoe, G., L. Gould, J. Martin, M. Riley, and T. Floyd. 1995.Ý Use of a risk-based hydrogeologic model to set remedial goals in a Puget Sound Basin watershed. Abstract and presentation. 2nd International Congress, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Vancouver, BC.

Pascoe, G.A. 1995. Wetlands ecological risk assessment: Issues and observations. Invited Plenary Lecture, Pellston Workshop on Ecotoxicology and Risk Assessment of Wetlands. Fairmont, MT.

Blanchet, R., G. Pascoe, and G. Linder. 1995. Food chain analysis of risk to wetland receptors from exposures to mining waste metals. Abstract. Society of Risk Analysis Annual Meeting, Honolulu, HI.

Linder, G., and G.A. Pascoe. 1995. Planning and implementing integrated studies for ecological risk assessment. Abstract. ASTM Risk Assessment Symposium, Denver, CO.

Pascoe, G.A. 1994. Role of an ecological risk assessment in reducing uncertainties and remedial costs at a hazardous waste site. Presentation. Conference on Cost-Efficient Acquisition and Utilization of Data in the Management of Hazardous Waste Sites. Waste Policy Institute, Air and Waste Management Association.

Pascoe, G.A. 1994. Role of ecological risk assessment in reducing uncertainty in remedial decisions at a mining waste-contaminated wetland. Presentation. Conference on Tailings and Mine Waste '94. Fort Collins, CO.

Pascoe, G.A. 1994. Food chain evaluations for a wetland impacted by heavy metals and arsenic. Invited presentation to the 1994 Annual Meeting of the Society for Risk Analysis, Baltimore, MD.

Pascoe, G.A., and R.J. Blanchet. 1994. Biomonitoring program for mercury near a cement plant burning hazardous waste. Abstract and presentation. 15th Annual Meeting, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Denver, CO.

Pascoe, G.A., R.J. Blanchet, and G. Linder. 1994. Food web transfer of metals contaminants from wetland soils. Abstract and presentation. 15th Annual Meeting, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Denver, CO.

Blanchet, R.J., G.A. Pascoe, and P.H. Williams. 1994. Comparative assessment of estimated vs. actual emissions and associated health risks from a modern municipal waste combustor. Abstract. Toxicologist 14(1):155.

Pascoe, G.A., and R.J. Blanchet. 1993. Assessment of ecological risks of contaminated wetlands: A 'Superfund' case study. Abstract and presentation. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 1st World Congress. Lisbon, Portugal.

Pascoe, G.A. 1993. Bioavailability of metals to small mammals at a mining waste-contaminated wetland. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Pacific Northwest Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Newport, OR.

Pascoe, G.A. 1993. Reducing uncertainties in remedial decisions at mining wastes-contaminated wetlands. Abstract and presentation. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 1st World Congress. Lisbon, Portugal.

Pascoe, G.A., and R.J. Blanchet. 1992. Reducing uncertainty in ecological risk assessments. Abstract and presentation. Annual Meeting, Society for Risk Analysis. San Diego, CA.

Pascoe, G.A. 1992. Milltown ReservoiróClark Fork River, Montana: Integrated ecological assessment of a Superfund site. Session Chair at the 13th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, held in Cincinnati, OH.

Pascoe, G.A. and J. DalSoglio. 1992. Milltown ReservoiróClark Fork River, Montana: Ecological Risk Assessment. Abstract and presentation. 13th Annual Meeting, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Cincinnati, OH.

DalSoglio, J. and G.A. Pascoe. 1992. Milltown ReservoiróClark Fork River, Montana: A comprehensive ecological risk assessment project. Abstract. 13th Annual Meeting, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Cincinnati, OH.

Hazardous Waste Combustion Risk Assessment

Presentations/Conference Proceedings

Pascoe, G.A. 2013. Risk Assessment for Cement Kilns: Emerging Issues. Presented to the Cement Kiln Recycling Coalition, Annual Meeting, Ashville, NC.

Sun, B., and G. Pascoe. 2004. Analysis of the methylmercury fraction in surface water and the impact on multipathway risk assessment for hazardous waste combustors. Proceedings of the International Conference on Incineration and Thermal Treatment Technologies. University of Maryland. May, Phoenix, AZ.

Sun, B., and G. Pascoe. 2003. Health risks associated with multimedia exposure to waste combustion facilities: Perception, Reality, and Beyond. Proceedings of the International Conference on Incineration and Thermal Treatment Technologies. University of Maryland. May 13, Orlando, FL.

Sun, B., and G. Pascoe. 2001. A road map to a successful multipathway risk assessment for RCRA Part B permit application. Proceedings, Hazardous Waste Combustors Specialty Conference, Air & Waste Management Association. Kansas City, MO.

Sun, B., and G. Pascoe. 1995. Integration of multipathway risk assessment: Computer model structure, parameter analysis, and application results. Abstract. Society of Risk Analysis Annual Meeting, Honolulu, HI.

Pascoe, G.A. 1995. Comparison of pre- and post-start-up health risk assessments of a municipal solid waste-to-energy facility. Presentation. 1995 International Incineration Conference, Bellevue, WA.

Pascoe, G.A. 1995. Use of multimedia environmental monitoring to enhance the accuracy of risk assessment for incineration facilities. In: Proceedings of the 1995 International Incineration Conference, Bellevue, WA. Pp. 679-682. University of California, Irvine.

Pascoe, G.A. 1995. Use of multimedia environmental monitoring to enhance the accuracy of risk assessment for incineration facilities. Presentation. Air &Waste Management Association specialty meeting on Boilers and Industrial Furnaces, Kansas City, NE.

Blanchet, R.J., K. Kelly, G.A. Pascoe, and P.H. Williams. 1993. Comparative assessment of estimated vs. actual emissions and associated health risks from a modern municipal waste combustor. In: Proceedings of the 1993 Incineration Conference.

Kelly, K.E., G.A. Pascoe, and R.B. Blanchet. 1992. Verification of risk assessments for incineration facilities: A case study. World Clean Air Congress. Montreal, Canada, August/September.

Pascoe, G.A. 1991. Risk assessment issues of heavy metals emissions - from an environmental consultant perspective. American Society of Mechanical Engineers/U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Workshop: The Control of Metal Emissions from Waste Combustion Devices. U.S. EPA, Cincinnati, OH. Invited participant.

Kelly, K.E., R.C. Pleus, and G.A. Pascoe. 1994. Exposure assessment of metals measured in ambient air near cement kilns burning hazardous waste. Abstract. Toxicologist 14(1):155.

All fired up: Burning hazardous waste in cement kilns. 1992. Environmental Toxicology International, Inc., Seattle, WA. Mantus, E., G.A. Pascoe, and K.E. Kelly.

Pascoe, G.A., K.E. Kelly, and E.K. Mantus. 1991. Assessing the health effects of cement kilns burning hazardous waste. Rock Products 27th International Cement Seminar, Atlanta, GA.

Technical Reports

Pascoe Environmental Consulting. 2003. Multipathway risk assessment for the Holcim Inc. cement plant. Prepared for Holcim Inc., Artesia MS.

Multipathway risk assessment for the Holcim Inc. cement plant at Holly Hill, SC. 2002. Prepared for Holcim Inc., Holly Hill, SC. EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Bellevue, WA.

Multipathway risk assessment for the Lafarge cement plant at Fredonia, KS. Prepared for Lafarge Corporation, Fredonia, KS. 1997. EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Bellevue, WA.

Multipathway risk assessment for the Continental cement plant at Hannibal, MO. 1996. Prepared for Continental Cement Company, Hannibal, MO. EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Bellevue, WA.


Pascoe, G.A, G.M. Braun, and G. Bilyard. 1991. Assessment of the potential for re-exposure of DDT in sediments of the Palos Verdes Shelf (CA). Abstract and presentation. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 12th Annual Meeting. p.Ý167.

Cardon, N.C. and G.A.ÝPascoe. 1991. Alternatives to urban pesticides database. Abstract and presentation. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 12th Annual Meeting. p.Ý171.

Pascoe, G.A. 1989. Puget Sound Water Quality Authority, Pesticides in Puget Sound Workshop, invited.

Pascoe, G.A. 1989. Contemporary pesticide usage in the Puget Sound basin: A level of concern approach for evaluating aquatic contamination potential. Abstract and presentation. Oceans '89, Vol.Ý2, p.Ý700.

Pesticides of concern in the Puget Sound Basin: A review of contemporary pesticide usage. 1988. Prepared for U.S. EPA, Region 10, OPS/PSEP, Seattle, WA. Pascoe, G. A., Tetra Tech, Inc.

Biochemical Toxicology

Pascoe, G.A. 1990. Calcium homeostasis and oxidative stress. In: Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields: The Question of Cancer. B.W. Wilson, R.G. Stevens, and L.E. Anderson, eds. Battelle Press, Richland, Washington.

Pascoe, G.A., C.J. Calleman, and T.A. Baillie. 1988. Evidence for p-benzoquinone as reactive intermediate in acetaminophen metabolism. Abstract and presentation. Society of Toxicology (SOT). Toxicologist 8:31.

Reed, D.J., G.A. Pascoe, and C.E. Thomas. 1990. Extracellular calcium effects on cell viability and thiol homeostasis. Environmental Health Perspectives 84:113-120.

Pascoe, G.A., and D.J. Reed. 1989. Cell calcium, vitamin E, and the thiol redox system in cytotoxicity. Invited review. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 6:209-224.

Axworthy, D.B., K.J. Hoffman, A.J. Streeter, C.J. Calleman, G.A. Pascoe, and T.A. Baillie. 1988. Covalent binding of acetaminophen to mouse hemoglobin: Identification of the major and minor adducts formed in vivo and implications for the nature of the arylating metabolites. Chemical-Biological Interactions 68:99-116.

Pascoe, G.A., C.J. Calleman, and T.A. Baillie. 1988. Identification of S-(2,5-dihydroxphenyl)-cysteine and S-(2,5-dihydroxphenyl)-N-acetyl-cysteine as urinary metabolites of acetaminophen in the mouse: Evidence for p-benzoquinone as a reactive intermediate in acetaminophen metabolism. Chemical-Biological Interactions 68:85-98.

Pascoe, G.A., and M.A. Correia. 1988. Role of gastrin/pentagastrin in regulation of intestinal cytochrome P-450. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C 90:41-46.

Olafsdottir, K., G.A. Pascoe, and D.J. Reed. 1988. Mitochondrial glutathione status during Ca2+ ionophore-induced injury to isolated hepatocytes. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 263:226-235.

Pascoe, G.A., K. Olafsdottir, M.W. Fariss, and D.J. Reed. 1987. A role of vitamin E in protection against cell injury: Maintenance of intracellular glutathione precursors and biosynthesis. European Journal of Biochemistry 1667:241-247.

Pascoe, G.A., K. Olafsdottir, and D.J. Reed. 1987. Vitamin E protection against chemical-induced cell injury: I. Maintenance of cellular protein thiols as a cytoprotective mechanism. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 256:150-159.

Pascoe, G.A., and D.J. Reed. 1987. Vitamin E protection against chemical-induced cell injury: II. Evidence for a threshold effect of alpha-tocopherol in prevention of Adriamycin toxicity. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 256:159-167.

Pascoe, G.A., and D.J. Reed. 1987. Relationship between cellular calcium and vitamin E metabolism during protection against cell injury. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 253:287-296.

Reed, D.J., G.A., Pascoe, and K. Olafsdottir. 1987. Cell defense mechanisms of glutathione and vitamin E during cell injury. Archives of Toxicology, Supplement 11:34-38.

Pascoe, G.A., C.T. Duda, and D.J. Reed. 1987. Determination of alpha-tocopherol and alpha-tocopherylquinone in small biological samples by HPLC with electrochemical detection. Journal of Chromatography 414:440-448.

Dalton, D.A., S.A. Russell, F.J. Hanus, G.A. Pascoe, and H.J. Evans. 1986. Enzymatic reactions of ascorbate and glutathione that prevent peroxide damage in soybean root nodules. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 83:3811-3815.

Reed, D.J., M.W. Fariss, and G.A. Pascoe. 1986. Mechanisms of chemical toxicity and cellular protective systems. Fundamental and Applied Toxicology 6:591-597.

Pascoe, G.A. 1986. Calcium homeostasis and antioxidant defense systems. Invited presentation, Battelle Memorial Institute, Seattle, WA.

Pascoe, G.A. 1986. Oxidative stress mechanisms and cell defense systems. Invited presentation, Department of Veterinary Medicine, Oregon State University.

Pascoe, G.A., K. Olafsdottir, and D.J. Reed. 1986. Enhanced glutathione biosynthesis in isolated hepatocytes by vitamin E: Inhibition of efflux of precursor pools. Abstract and presentation. Society of Toxicology (SOT). Toxicologist 6: 28.

Olafsdottir, K., G.A. Pascoe, and D.J. Reed. 1985. Interrelationship of glutathione, vitamin E, and calcium ion during injury to rat hepatocytes by the calcium ionophore A231897. Abstract and presentation. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. Federation Proceedings 44:538.

Fariss, M.W., G.A. Pascoe, and D.J. Reed. 1985. Absence of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) in isolated rat hepatocytes during a toxic chemical insult. Abstract. Toxicologist 5: 149.

Pascoe, G.A., K. Olafsdottir, M.W. Fariss, and D.J. Reed. 1985. Vitamin E protects against glutathione depletion in isolated rat hepatocytes: Potential role in glutathione synthesis. Abstract and presentation. Society of Toxicology (SOT). Toxicologist 5: 148.

Fariss, M.W., G.A. Pascoe, and D.J. Reed. 1985. Vitamin E reversal of the effect of extracellular calcium on chemical-induced toxicity in isolated hepatocytes. Science 227:751-754.

Pascoe, G.A., and M.A. Correia. 1985. Structural and functional assembly of rat intestinal cytochrome P-450 isozymes: Effects of dietary iron and selenium. Biochemical Pharmacology 34:599-608.

Pascoe, G.A. 1984. Vitamin E and calcium homeostasis in cytotoxicity. Gordon Conference, NH.

Reed, D.J., M.W. Fariss, and G.A. Pascoe. 1984. Glutathione and vitamin E-dependent protection mechanisms in hepatocytes during chemical-induced injury. Abstract. I.U.P.H.A.R. 9th International Congress of Pharmacology, MacMillan Press, London.

Fariss, M.W., G.A. Pascoe, and D.J. Reed. 1984. Vitamin E reverses the effect of extracellular calcium on Adriamycin-mediated toxicity in isolated rat hepatocytes. Abstract. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. Federation Proceedings 43:561.

Pascoe, G.A., J. Sakai-Wong, E. Soliven, and M.A. Correia. 1983. Regulation of intestinal cytochrome P-450 and heme by dietary nutrients: Critical role of selenium. Biochemical Pharmacology 32:3027-3035.

Meyers, M., W. Slikker, G. Pascoe, and M. Vore. 1980. Characterization of cholestasis induced by estradiol-17-b-glucuronide in the rat. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 214: 87-93.

Pascoe, G.A., J. Sakai, E. Soliven, and M.A. Correia. 1981. Dietary selenium: Pivotal role in regulation of intestinal cytochrome P-450. Abstract and presentation. American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET). Pharmacologist 23:179.

Pascoe, G.A., and M.A. Correia. 1981. Reconstitution of intestinal cytochrome P-450 with hemin in vitro. Abstract and presentation. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. Federation Proceedings 40:719.

Pascoe, G.A., M. Meyers, and M. Vore. 1979. Dose-dependent cholestasis induced by estradiol-17-b-glucuronide in the rat. Abstract and presentation. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. Federation Proceedings 38:443.

Vore, M., G.A. Pascoe, and M. Meyers. 1979. Estradiol-17-b-glucuronide: A potent inhibiter of bile flow in the rat. Abstract. Tox. Appl. Pharmacol. 48:A189.
